Thursday, August 28, 2008

2 months old!

So I start a blog and then I dont write on it for another month.  I read my cousin Caitlins blog today and it inspired me to be more consistent if I get the chance. It has never been so difficult to get things accomplished as it has been in the last 6 weeks of my life. Maya was so calm when she first came home from the hospital, didn't mind when we washed her hair, didn't even mind when we changed her diaper-she only cried for about 5 second when she got her first shot! So I thought to myself. Wow, we have a calm baby! this is going to be so great. So it was for the first 2 1/2 weeks. But things changed overnight. All of a sudden she wouldnt sleep unless she was being held (we are talking 4 hour naps here!) and if I dared try to set her down, she would scream and scream and not calm down unless I held her. I figured it was just going to last a day or two, maybe she was just needy? But it never just got worse. She cried and cried and cried and her sleep got worse and she got to be more and more gassy. By the time ryan would get home in the evening I didn't even want to hold her anymore because I was so so frustrated. One can only take a baby screaming in there ear for so many hours.

I was trying so hard to figure out what was wrong. I never ate chocolate, broccoli, spicy food, anything that might even remotely bug her. This wasn't helping. I went off dairy for 4 days and it didn't help either. I remember going in for Maya's 1 and 2 week appointments and the doctors were amazed at how calm I was for a first time mother. I attributed it to the fact that I had 6 sibling and an amazing mom who has taught me so much.
I was getting worried something was wrong with her so I called the pedicatrician and I had an appointment for the next day. I got there and luckily maya was sleeping and I had to wait in the room for the dr. about 15 min. As soon as she walked in she asked me how I was and I just cried and cried. I guess I should feel stupid at that point, I was just glad my Pediatrician was a woman who had a colicky baby herself. She was so awesome and let me keep talking and tell her all about the troubles I had with Nursing and Mayas major grouchiness. She let me talk for an hour and was in no hurry to get me out of there. I think she would have talked to me another 30 min. if I had needed it. I feel so lucky that I got such a great pediatrician (and with no referral.)
She basically said just let her grow out of it. That is probably the last thing I wanted to hear but at least I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong. I was beginning to feel way inadequate as a mom.
So on a happier note, about two weeks ago I decided to try going off dairy one more time and do research on it. It can actually take up to 2-3 weeks to get it fully flushed out of your body, but on day 6 of being off of it Maya one day woke up quite happy. She took longer naps, was happier overall and I was able to get simple things done-like laundry and such. She is still a grouchy baby but doing better than she was. I hope this keeps going. She had a really grouchy day yesterday but I think it might have been because I ate broccoli (beef and broccoli over rice-it was SO GOOD!)
Like I said though, she is two months old now (well a few days away from it) and she is so cute. she is starting to smile more and now she is starting to play. She can see her mobile in her swing and loves to watch it. Oh P.S. Thank you Mom and Dad for the swing!!!!! We got it a few weeks ago and it has been the best gift we have recieved because she will actually sleep in it and I am more sane as a result because I dont have to hold my baby for 11 hours straight (which is what was happening) ! It is the kind that goes back and forth and side to side. She really likes the side to side way.
Maya is awake and crying now-big suprise... :) so this is the end of this post. I will try to put some of her adorable pictures on.