Friday, November 19, 2010

Life's a blur...

This last month has been a blur of constant change...

  1. I gave birth.
  2. 3 days after being home from the hospital we found out we got our house....which means, yup PACKING!
  3. Less than 2 weeks later we were moving and I found out that moving with a newborn is not fun, just in case you ever wanted to try it. Thank goodness it was just across town.

  4. Trying to adjust my 2 year old to a new baby brother who has "stolen her thunder", moved her to a new house, and dealing with tantrums like I've never seen before.
  5. Loving, but still adjusting to a newborn who didn't like to eat very well (we are finally getting it down), and me being sleep deprived.

  6. Unpacking all that we packed and trying to step by step turn our house into a home. At least clear a path between the boxes. ;)

Ok, so now that I am putting them in a list it doesn't sound THAT busy, but believe me it has been. We just had our 4 year anniversary yesterday and it was amazing to wake up that morning and reflect on life. As I watched the two little kids that were asleep in my bed I just thought to myself how blessed our family is to have them. Its been a fun and busy 4 years. :)

I just un-froze my gym membership that is 2 blocks away so I am excited to get going and lose this baby weight. I think one of the best feelings is being fit and I miss it! Zumba/kickboxing here I come!

Jaxon is growing SO fast and I am trying to hold on to every second of it. Maya has had a hard time with him, but she is starting to want to hold him on occasion. I just cant leave him out of my sight for a second otherwise she claws him up pretty bad. I hope this is just a phase. :) If not he will be one tough little boy. She cracks me up though, yesterday she told me, "knock it off mama" and I thought to myself, " boy do I hear my own words in that one. I guess I have to be more careful and phrase things kinder. Then when she was in the tub I told her to sit down and she looked at me exasperated and said, "Dont pressure me!"....still not sure where she heard that one.

I am trying to rev myself up to do potty training, I tried it a few months back and maya just wasn't ready for it. I hope she is now because changing a two year olds diaper after a newborns is pretty grotesque.

Here are a couple of pics, enjoy!